Ohio FAIR Plan Underwriting Association Ohio FAIR Plan Underwriting Association
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Due to system maintenance, Ohio FAIR Plan's systems will be unavailable Saturday, 2/15 from 7:00 AM until 7:00 PM.


This program will provide an estimated quote for information purposes.

Note that the Ohio FAIR Plan assumes no liability for any errors in the program or the premium calculation nor has it a legal obligation to insure any risk. Additionally, the limit of liability selected by the user for quoting purposes may not be the limit of liability that the property qualifies for after Ohio FAIR Plan review. This quoting program is only intended to provide an estimated quote and is for information purposes only.

Note also that we are unable to quote Commercial Property and Commercial Farm until the property has been inspected.

Property address:
Property Address:
Property City:   State:   Zip Code:
Property County:

I am aware that the USPS indicates that this address does not exist. Coverage may be delayed while the address is researched.

Use QAS validation even though validation is currently disabled.
A zip code and county are required to proceed.
The city and county are required to proceed.
Requested effective date:
Type of coverage:

Estimated Pricing

For the property address of:

I am aware that the USPS indicates that this address does not exist. Coverage may be delayed while the address is researched.
Anticipated Effective Date:
Construction Type:
Number of Families:
Under Rehabilitation:
Distance from fire station and hydrant:
Policy Type:
Dwelling Coverage Amount:
Private Structures Coverage Amount:
Personal Property Coverage Amount:
Loss of Use Coverage:
Liability Coverage:
Medical Payments to Others Coverage:
Fire Peril:
EC Peril:
V&MM Peril
Fire EC V&MM Total
Minimum Binder Deposit:
Estimated Total:


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A mailing address that the USPS recognizes as valid must be provided.

You may click here to confirm the USPS will not deliver mail to the address that has been entered.

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