Ohio FAIR Plan Underwriting Association Ohio FAIR Plan Underwriting Association
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Due to system maintenance, Ohio FAIR Plan's systems will be unavailable after 7:00 PM on Monday, 3/31.

Submit a Claim

To submit a claim to the Ohio FAIR Plan, please fill out the following form to the best of your ability. Please attach any pictures pertinent to the claim.

Claim Information

Your Name: *
Relationship: *
Phone: --*  Ext.        Type:  
Email: *
Policy Number: enter numeric part only
Insured's Name: *
Property Address: *
City: *
Zip Code: -  
Primary Contact:
* *
Phone: --*  Ext.        Type:   *
Phone: --    Ext.        Type:  
Additional Contacts:
Add Additional Contact
Cause of Loss: *       Date of Loss: *       Time:
Description of Loss: *


You have not attached any photos.

File NameFile FormatFile Size 

Use the fields below to attach a file. There is no limit to the number of files that you may add. However you may only add one file at a time.

Note: Files must be smaller than 10 megabytes and be in one of the following formats:


Note that if you combine multiple photos into a PDF file, the total size of the PDF file must still be smaller than 10 megabytes.

Click the "Browse" button to select a file, then click the "Attach File"
to attach the photo you selected to this claim.
File Location: 
                                 Attach File

I have verified that the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge.

Processing your request...
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