Ohio FAIR Plan Underwriting Association Ohio FAIR Plan Underwriting Association
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Due to system maintenance, Ohio FAIR Plan's systems will be unavailable after 7:00 PM on Monday, 3/31.

Upload Files

Please use this form to submit files in response to a notice from the Ohio FAIR Plan (OFP). When OFP receives the files, you will get a confirmation for your records.

Type of Upload:     *                  ( * = required fields )
You Are:       *
Your Name: *
Your Email Address: *
Policy Number: *
Insured Property Zip Code: *
Notes About Files:


Use the button below to attach a file. There is no limit to the number of files that you may add. However you may only add one file at a time.

Note: Each file must be smaller than 10 megabytes and be in one of the following formats:

File NameFile FormatFile Size 
          ( no files have been selected yet )

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