Ohio FAIR Plan Underwriting Association Ohio FAIR Plan Underwriting Association
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Due to system maintenance, Ohio FAIR Plan's systems will be unavailable Saturday, 2/15 from 7:00 AM until 7:00 PM.

Rehabilitation Coverage

The Ohio FAIR Plan provides coverage on properties that are under formal rehabilitation. The application and/or property must meet the following requirements:

  1. The property must be vacant and secured from trespass while under rehabilitation.
  2. With the exception of the occupancy requirement, the property must meet the Dwelling Property or Commercial Property guidelines.
  3. Signed contracts must accompany applications for properties with unrepaired loss damage.
  4. An itemized list of repairs plus the approximate cost and timeframe of each repair must accompany all applications.
  5. For an increase in coverage over the original purchase price, paid material receipts may be submitted for all self-finished work.
  6. The planned rehabilitation work must be significant with anticipated repairs to electrical and heating systems, significant repairs to the physical condition of the property, and plumbing repair and replacement. The rehabilitation work may not be mere renovation of a cosmetic nature.
  7. The rehabilitation work must start within 30 days of the coverage effective date.
  8. The maximum length of coverage is one year.
  9. The property will be inspected to verify that the property is vacant and secured from trespass. This may be followed by periodic inspections throughout the year to determine and verify the progress of the rehabilitation work.
  10. The policy will be issued for Fire, and Extended Coverages only. If specifically requested on residential dwellings, Vandalism & Malicious Mischief may be added.
  11. When the work is completed, the Ohio FAIR Plan must be notified of that completion. OFP will cancel coverage. The customer may apply for a different type of coverage with OFP if needed.
  12. Unless a subsequent significant loss occurs, a property is not eligible for another rehabilitation policy for five years.
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